Rekindling Self-Love During Major Life Changes: 3 Grounding Self-Care Routines Every Woman Should Know

A rectangular white picture frame is centered on a beige background. A single green palm leaf extends from the top right corner, partially overlapping the frame. The overall composition is minimalist and aesthetically pleasing—an ideal visual for promoting lifestyle changes through women's coaching or inspiring women to embark on personal growth journeys. coaching

Hi lovely,
If you’re reading this, chances are life has thrown some major changes your way—whether it’s a breakup, a relocation, becoming a new mum, or a career shift. First, I want you to know you’re not alone. Transitions, while challenging, are also powerful opportunities to reconnect with yourself, rediscover your inner strength, and nurture the love you deserve.

Sometimes in the whirlwind of life changes, we forget to check in with ourselves. We get so wrapped up in adjusting to our new realities that we lose sight of the one person who matters most: you. That’s why I’m here to remind you that now, more than ever, is the perfect time to prioritise your self-care and rebuild your relationship with yourself. Let’s explore why that’s so important, and I’ll share three self-care routines to help you feel more grounded and at peace.

Why Self-Care is Essential After Major Life Changes

Whether you’re healing from heartbreak, navigating the uncertainty of a new job, or adjusting to the demands of motherhood, these life shifts can make you feel untethered. You might feel like you’re losing touch with who you were before these changes. In these moments, self-care is more than just bubble baths and candles (although those are lovely, too!). It’s about nurturing your emotional, mental, and physical well-being in ways that help you stay grounded in your true self.

Think of self-care as the foundation that helps you handle these changes. When you care for yourself, you become more resilient, better able to manage stress, and less likely to spiral into self-doubt or burnout. It’s like giving your mind, body, and soul the nourishment they need to thrive, even when life feels uncertain.

Grounding Self-Care Routine #1: The Power of Morning Rituals

One of the best ways to regain a sense of control is by establishing a simple, nourishing morning routine. It doesn’t need to be elaborate; it just needs to start your day on a calm, mindful note.

Here’s a suggestion:

  1. Hydrate and Breathe: Before reaching for your phone, drink a glass of water and take 5 deep breaths. Hydrating first thing gives your body a little kick-start, while deep breathing helps centre your mind and ease any anxiety about the day ahead.
  2. Gratitude Practice: Write down three things you’re grateful for. Studies show that gratitude can improve mental health by fostering a more positive outlook on life. It’s a simple practice that shifts your focus away from what’s not working to what is.
  3. Gentle Movement: Whether it’s stretching, yoga, or a short walk, moving your body in the morning helps shake off any lingering stress and energises you. Exercise releases endorphins—the brain’s feel-good chemicals—and helps you start your day on the right foot.

Why it works: Morning routines set the tone for your entire day. By prioritising hydration, mindfulness, and movement, you’re sending a message to yourself that you matter and deserve care from the moment you wake up. Plus, it’s scientifically backed—consistent morning routines are shown to reduce anxiety and increase productivity.

Grounding Self-Care Routine #2: Journaling for Emotional Release

When you’re going through a major life change, emotions can feel overwhelming. You might have a whirlwind of thoughts racing through your mind—self-doubt, fear, excitement, sadness, or even guilt. Journaling is one of the most powerful tools for getting those feelings out of your head and onto paper.

Try this:

  1. Stream of Consciousness Writing: Set a timer for 10 minutes and just write. Don’t overthink it—let whatever is on your mind flow out without judgement. It’s like a brain dump to release mental clutter.
  2. Emotion Tracking: Once a day, jot down how you’re feeling. Are you anxious? Calm? Overwhelmed? By consistently tracking your emotions, you’ll start noticing patterns and become more aware of what triggers certain feelings.
  3. Reframe Your Thoughts: After you’ve written about your feelings, take a step back and ask yourself if there’s a way to reframe any negative thoughts. For example, instead of “I’m failing at this new job,” try reframing it as “I’m learning to adapt to a new environment, and it’s okay to take time.”

Why it works: Writing has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. It gives you a space to process your emotions in a non-judgemental way, helping you release pent-up feelings. By tracking your emotions, you build self-awareness, which is key to managing stress during transitions.

Grounding Self-Care Routine #3: Digital Detox for Mental Clarity

In today’s world, it’s easy to lose yourself in the endless scroll of social media, especially when you’re going through a difficult time. While it might feel like a distraction, overuse of digital platforms can actually leave you feeling more disconnected and overwhelmed. A digital detox, even for a short period each day, can do wonders for your mental well-being.

Here’s how you can try it:

  1. Set Boundaries: Choose a specific time each day to go phone-free. For example, you could decide to turn off your devices after 8 PM or dedicate your morning routine to being offline.
  2. Replace Scrolling with Reading or Nature: Instead of filling those moments with more screen time, try reading a good book, going for a walk, or listening to a podcast. These activities engage your mind in a more meaningful way and help reduce the overstimulation caused by constant scrolling.
  3. Reflection: At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on how being offline affected your mood. Did you feel calmer? More focused? Less anxious? This reflection helps solidify the positive impact of your detox.

Why it works: Studies have shown that excessive screen time, particularly social media use, can increase feelings of anxiety and depression. Taking a break from the digital world allows your mind to rest and reconnect with what’s truly important—yourself. It also gives you space to be present in the real world, which is crucial when navigating major life changes.

Adapting These Routines to Fit Your Life

The beauty of self-care is that it’s incredibly personal, and there’s no one-size-fits-all. If you’re a new mum, for example, your morning routine might need to be shorter or involve a little baby bonding. If you’re dealing with relocation stress, journaling might become your way to ground yourself in a new environment. The key is to adapt these routines to suit your lifestyle and emotional needs.

Remember, self-care isn’t about perfection—it’s about showing up for yourself, even in small ways. These routines are tools to help you reconnect with the strong, resilient, and beautiful person you are. Life changes can be hard, but they also offer the chance to rediscover and prioritise yourself.

Take your time with these routines. Be gentle with yourself. You’re worthy of love, care, and nourishment—even (and especially) from yourself. 💖

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